Hydraulic consolidation cell for unsaturated samples

Main Features

  • Hydraulic loading
  • For saturated and unsaturated specimens
  • Use of the High Air Entry Stone (HAES)
  •  Measurement of pore and back pressure during testing
  •  Accurate permeability measurements

Link: Data Sheet 



he Hydrocon SWCC consolidation apparatus is used to determine the magnitude and rate of settlement and pressure of unsaturated soil specimens. Because of the low permeability of some materials, performing a drying and wetting stage can take several weeks. The Hydrocon SWCC cell is a flexible soil testing apparatus capable of applying uniaxial pressures of up to 3500 kPa to a 100 mm diameter specimen. Its base is fitted with a High Air Entry Stone (HAES) which enables a soil/water characteristic suction curve to be obtained. This type of stone allows water to pass through but not air so that the soil matrix potential can be controlled at various values: 1,5 and 15 bar. During a test it is possible to load the soil specimen in such a way that the overburden pressure in the field is recreated, whilst measuring the chamber and pore water pressure using a pressure transducer and the vertical settlement using a linear strain transducer.

As the Hydrocon SWCC is a confined consolidation system, it is possible to measure both pore and back pressure during testing and to make accurate permeability measurements.

For a complete system, see the table showing a typical test set configuration.

Technical Specs

  • Manufactured from anodized light alloy, complete with 4 valves, top loading porous disk, compensator ring, 2 bar High Air Entry Stone sealed on aluminium ring.
  • For 100 mm dia. soil samples
  • Maximum working pressure: 3500 kPa
  • Overall dimensions (dxh): 260×450 mm
  • Weight approx.: 10 kg


High Air Entry Stone (HAES) 

Code Capacity


26-WF0346/1B 1
26-WF0346/5B 5
26-WF0346/15B 15

Ex: 26-WF0346/1B 
1 bar High Air Entry Stone for 100 mm dial sample suitable for Hydrocon SWCC mod. 26-WF0346