Stress Dependent Soil Water Characteristic Curve System (SD-SWCC)

The VJ Tech Multi-Purpose Frame SWCC system is used to determine the drying and wetting Soil Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) of a soil specimen, providing a useful insight into the unsaturated properties of soil samples.


The VJ Tech Multi-Purpose Frame SWCC system is used to determine the drying and wetting Soil Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) of a soil specimen, providing a useful insight into the unsaturated properties of soil samples.

The Multi-Purpose Frame SWCC system consists of a load frame (ACONS Pro) to control the vertical stress, a hydraulic APCH Pro to control the Pore Water Pressure, and a pneumatic APC to control the Pore Air Pressure. Suction is controlled using the axis translation technique by elevating Pore Air and Pore Water pressures while the change in the moisture content is ben monitored.

The Clisp Studio csSDSWCC software module enables the performance of an SD-SWCC test with full automation and minimum human intervention.

Main Features

  • Suction control using the Axis-Translation technique
  • Accurate monitoring of the water volume change
  • Monitoring of the total sample volume change through a displacement transducer
  • Determination of the drying and wetting curves under constant vertical stress
  • Ability to perform saturation and consolidation prior to the SWCC test
  • Ability to determine Suction in undisturbed, unconditioned specimens

Technical Specifications

Maximum Vertical Load  15 kN or 50 kN 
Maximum Pore Air Pressure  1750 kPa 
Maximum Pore Water Pressure  1000 kPa 
Maximum Applied Suction  1500 kPa 
Connectivity  Ethernet or USB Interface 
Power Supply  DC Adaptor (Output 24V DC, Input 90-240V, 50/60Hz, 1ph.) 

Tests Performed

  • Soil Water Characteristic Curve (Drying, Wetting)
  • Unsaturated 1-D Consolidation


American  ASTM D6836-16 (Method B) 


Datasheet (PDF) 

Ordering Information

ACONS Pro Frames (please select one)

VJT0650M2-P ACONS Pro Motorised Automatic MultiPurpose Frame (15 kN)
VJT0650M2-PHL ACONS Pro (High Capacity) Motorised Automatic Multi-Purpose Frame (50 kN)

Multi-Purpose Cell & Kit

VJT0651-H ACONS Pro (High Capacity) Motorised Automatic Multi-Purpose Frame (50 kN)
VJT0651-HUNSAT70 MPCC – UNSAT Kit (70 mm Diameter)

Temperature Control Equipment



Temperature Probe, Heater Element & Controller unit (for Multi-Purpose Consolidation Cell)

Automatic Pressure Controllers

VJT2250-P Pro Pneumatic Automatic Pressure Controller (1 MPa)
VJT2266-P Pro Hydraulic Automatic Pressure Controller (1 MPa)

Internal Submersible Load Cell (recommended)

VJT0353B/MPC 25 kN Internal Submersible Load Cell with 25 mm diameter Ram

Displacement Transducer

VJT0271 LSCT Displacement Transducer, 25 mm x 0.001 mm with 2 metre cable & Plug

Transducer Bracket

VJT0281C Transducer Bracket for LSCT transducer

Clisp Studio Software (Required)

VJT-csSDSWCC Clisp Studio SD-SWCC Software

Additional 70mm HAEDs available for MPCC

VJT0651AR1 1 Bar HAED & Ring for MPCC
VJT0651AR2 3 Bar HAED & Ring for MPCC
VJT0651AR3 5 Bar HAED & Ring for MPCC
VJT0651AR4 15 Bar HAED & Ring for MPCC