Constant/Falling Head Permeability Apparatus


Apparatus to prepare and carry out falling and constant head permeability tests to AS 1289.6.7.

Items include permeability moulds, mould waxing and specimen saturation equipment, standpipe assembly, constant head/temperature reservoir, and associated compaction equipment.

Also available is our purpose-built mobile permeability bench, which is designed to allow you to build a convenient and integrated permeability workstation.

All items are available individually.


Permeability Moulds


100mm and 150mm diameter steel moulds complete with aluminium permeability bases with inlets and outlets, porous plates, surcharges and loading plates. The 100mm diameter mould is supplied with a sample confinement clamp. The moulds are designed to facilitate the compaction process by using Geo-Con Type A compaction or CBR mould bases and collars, which are included.

Ordering Information

38-T0180.CON Permeability Mould complete, 100mm dia
38-T0182.CON Permeability Mould complete, 150mm dia


34-T0091.CON Spacer Disc 61mm
38-T0182/CC.CON Confining Clamp for 150mm Permeability Mould (optional)


Mould Preparation


Waxing equipment for the application of a thin layer of paraffin wax to the inside of the moulds, to prevent piping of water between the mould and specimen. The moulds are mounted inside the wooden jig then placed on the roller mill. The roller mill rotates the mould allowing an even and consistent application of the molten wax with use of the waxing funnel in its stand.

Ordering Information

38-T0190/1.CON Roller Mill for waxing
38-T0190.LOC Waxing Apparatus Wooden Jig
38-T0190/2.LOC Waxing Funnel
38-T0190/3.CON Waxing Funnel Stand
55-D1403 General Purpose Melting Pot
86-D0805.LOC Paraffin Wax, 1kg


Specimen Saturation


The assembled permeability mould containing the specimen and surcharge is placed on the presaturation baseplate inside the bell jar, allowing for the application of vacuum to complete the saturation process.

Ordering Information

77-B0090.LOC Bell Jar
77-B0090/1.CON Presaturation Baseplate
86-D2002.LOC Vacuum Pump, with regulator and water trap
86-D2064/1.LOC Vacuum Tubing, 1m


Specimen Percolation


The constant head/temperature reservoir is designed to keep the water at a constant temperature, whilst maintaining the required hydraulic head. The standpipe assembly four tubes and includes a steel rule graduated in mm, and mounting holes for fixing to a wall, panel, or bracket.

Ordering Information

38-T0182/1.CON Constant Head/Temperature Reservoir
38-T0183.LOC Standpipe Assembly


Permeability Bench


Designed as an integrated unit to accommodate the falling/constant head permeability test system, with facilities for mounting the standpipe assembly and reservoir at adjustable height. Robust construction with stainless steel benchtop, lower shelf, mounted on casters.

Ordering Information

38-T0187.CON Constant/Falling Head Permeability Mobile Bench


See Also

Soil Compaction Equipment 

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