Dynamic Cyclic Simple Shear System with Confining Pressure (DSS-C)

The VJ Tech Dynamic Simple Shear Apparatus with Confining Pressure (DSS-C) utilises 2 electro mechanical dynamic actuators for applying the vertical and horizontal loads to the sample which is held under Pressure in an adapted Triaxial type Cell, or a sample contained within Confining Rings and no Confining Pressure


The VJ Tech Dynamic Cyclic Simple Shear System with Confining Pressure (DSS-C) is an innovative, high-precision instrument designed for advanced geotechnical testing. This apparatus features two electro-mechanical dynamic actuators, adept at applying precise vertical and horizontal loads to the sample. The sample can be either held under pressure in a modified triaxial-type cell or contained within confining rings without pressure.

These dynamic actuators are meticulously controlled by the Dual Axis Dynamic Servo Controller (DSC3000MM), which ensures seamless integration with the PC for enhanced control and data analysis via our Clisp Studio software. The apparatus is equipped with high-precision Encoders which are integrated into the servo motors, as well as external displacement sensors to accurately measure vertical and horizontal displacements. It boasts a safeguarded maximum travel range in each axis, protected by limit switches while allowing for easy adjustment of strain rate via PC.

The system is typically used with VJ Tech Hydraulic APCs, offering precise control and measurement of both Back Pressure and Cell Pressure. It also measures Vertical and Horizontal Loads and Pore Water Pressure through the DSC3000MM up to 4000 points per cycle or 500/second. The accompanying Clisp Studio csDYNSS-C software facilitates an effortless setup and execution of various test stages including Saturation, Consolidation (Isotropic, Anisotropic, or K0), Static Loading, Cyclic Shear (Stress or Strain), and Liquefaction. This comprehensive software ensures a streamlined and efficient testing process, making the VJ Tech Dynamic Cyclic Simple Shear System with Confining Pressure an essential tool for comprehensive soil analysis and research.

Main Features

• High Stiffness with low compliance
• Capable of Cyclic Simple Shear tests using the stainless steel/hard anodised assembly
• Capable of Cyclic Simple Shear tests using Cell Pressure instead of Rings
• 10kN Vertical and Horizontal Load
• Active height control
• Closed Loop Control
• Adaptive PID (Peak and Trough Control)
• USB or Ethernet connectivity for PC Control
• High-Speed sensor conversion (24-bit, 500Hz)
• Electro-mechanical control using the DSC3000MM for Vertical and Horizontal loading
• Data Logging Rate (200 Points/Cycle or 500 Points/Sec)
• Full control from a PC (running Clisp Studio)
• Waveforms available: Sinusoidal, Triangular, Square, Haversine, Saw Tooth, User Defined
• Supplied with all transducer and load cell brackets
• Low friction retaining rings for specimen confinement when conducting simple shear tests
• Pore pressure, Cell Pressure, and Back Pressure measurement

Technical Specifications

Frequency Range ‘0.0001 – 10.0000 Hz
Max. Dynamic Load +/- 10 kN (load limited to specification of load cell)
Max. Horizontal Travel +/- 20 mm
Max. Vertical Travel +/- 15 mm
Max. Confining Pressure Up to 2000 kPa
Max. Back Pressure Up to 2000 kPa
Sample Diameter 50, 70 or 100 mm (70mm dia max. for use with confining rings)
Nominal Sample Height 26 mm (or 38 mm for 100 mm)
PC Interface USB or Ethernet

Tests Performed

• Dynamic Cyclic Simple Shear with Confining Pressure
• Cyclic Simple Shear test (various control methods available in both axes in force, displacement, stress, and height control)
• Static Simple Shear test (with active height control)


ASTM D6528 ASTM D8296

Ordering Information

Main System Components

VJT2831-110 Dynamic Simple Shear with Confining Pressure Apparatus
VJT-DSC3000MM Dynamic Servo Controller (Dual Axis – up to 8 Input Channels per Axis)
VJT2266-P Pro Hydraulic APC (1000 kPa) (x2)


MET0097 2 Internal Load Cells (5 kN)
VJT0271/DYN LSCT Transducer (Dynamic 25 mm)
VJT0272/DYN LSCT Transducer (Dynamic 50 mm)
VJT0250/DYN PWP Transducer (Dynamic 1 MPa)
VJT0250-G Remote Cell Pressure sensor (1 Mpa)


VJT2831-100-70S 70 mm Skirted Sample Kit
VJT2831-100-100S 100 mm Skirted Sample Kit
VJT2831-100-70R 70 mm Confining Ring Sample Kit
VJT0280 De-airing block (x2)
MIS0166D Single Channel Signal Conditioning Card
VJT-PC-RACK Rack Mounted PC (Optional)
VJT-PSU0015 Isolation Transformer 230VAC with Cables
VJT-PSU0015-110 Isolation Transformer 110VAC with Cables


VJT-csDYNSS-C Clisp Studio Dynamic Simple Shear with Confining Pressure Software